Paktika is located to the southeast of the country, bordering Paktia and Ghazni in the north. In its northeast is lying Khost and southwest north and South Waziristan Agencies. Baluchistan province of Pakistan and Zabul are located to its west.
1- Katawaz fuel and gas basin:
Katawaz fuel and gas basin is located to the north of Sharan, the capital of Paktika province. The location is close to Yahyakhel, Zarghoon Shahar, Janikhel and Khoshamand districts. Measuring 40,000 square kilometres area, thicknesses of its sedimentary jewels reach 6,000 metres.
Contract for exploration of petroleum from Katawaz basin was inked with a French Total in 1975. Under the contract, the company was duty bound to conduct geological survey for exploration of fuel and gas within two and half year.
Following primary operations and survey, the Total Company has left exploration operations due to unknown reasons by returning $ 300,000 back to the Ministry of Mines.
An analyst and expert on natural resources wishing anonymity said that Katawaz site is a sedimentary field and there could be huge natural resources in the area. Another part of this basin on the other side of the Durand Line in Pakistan, the area contains massive reserves of gas and petroleum.
2- Gomal petroleum:
According to Gomal district chief, Shaista Khan Akhundzada, American geologists identified existence of petroleum in Drai Khyondi area of the district. They believe the area has vast reserves of reservoirs.
On other hand, officials of the mines department predicted existence of mines in Paktika province.
3- Coal:
Massive reserves of coal are believed to be existed in the areas of Paktika including Gul Radin, Khevi Kamar, Marzak and Maidanak localities of Sarawza district, Zawal Khel and Khangal areas of Gomal district and Khairbeen locality of Yousuf Khel district.
4- Chromites:
Like other parts of the country, there are riches of chromites in south and southeast of Paktika province. Marzak area of Sarawza district, Sharqi area of Gomal district and Giani locality are among other parts with chromites reserves.
5- Salt:
Paktika possess salt mines as well. There are vast mines of salt in Blokhel area of Zarghoon Shahar, Multani and Chahar Baran area of Gomal and Khairbeen locality of Yousuf Khel district.
Other mines of Paktika:
Director Mines and Petroleum Eng. Naqibullah Dilbarzai said that vast resources of mines such as chromites, salt, gas, lime and petroleum exist in Paktika province. However, survey for exploration of natural resources is yet to be conducted.
The analyst said there are uranium mines in Paktika province and the layer is extended to Helmand province.