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KABUL (PAN): As his new team seeks approval from parliament, President Hamid Karzai has appreciated the 13 outgoing ministers for their performance over the last five years. At a meeting here on Monday, Karzai praised the former ministers for their role as public representatives and told participants: "The people of Afghanistan youre your services even if you are not in cabinet." Karzai said the country needed to benefit from the outgoing ministers' talents, qualifications and experience and the next government would also make use of their skills. According to a statement from the Presidential Palace, the former ministers pledged to continue serving their compatriots in whatever way they could. Karzai introduced 23 new cabinet members including 12 acting ministers and 11 new faces for a vote of confidence to the Wolesi Jirga on the 19th of December. myn/mud ‏ ‏

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