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KABUL (PAN): More than 1341 prisoners including 17 women on Thursday cast their votes in the presidential elections in Kabul, Khost and Parwan provinces on Thursday.

Above 1000 prisoners of the first and second blocks of the Russian built Puli-Churkhi central jail in Kabul were given opportunity to cast their ballot for their favourite candidates. Their first demand from the next president was to either release them or announce reduction in their jail sentence.

They were able to vote only for the president. Over 4500 prisoners have been serving their terms in the facility, said jail superintendent, General Abdul Baqi Behsodi.

He said some of the prisoners had their ID cards of the 2004 presidential elections while some got themselves registered during the registration process. “The new president must take measures for our facilities,” said Janat Khan, a prison, from Helmand province.

“We are also human being and the next president should respect us. We are very happy to be allowed to vote for our favorite president,” said another prisoner Haji Humayun, a resident of eastern Laghman province.

In southeastern Khost 116 prisoners cast their votes on Election Day, said jail chief Col. Amir Sardar. “This is the right of all prisoners and they have to take part to rebuilding the country,” he continued.

An unknown number of prisoners in the neighbouring provinces of Paktia, Paktika and Logar also turnout cast their votes. In Parwan 225 inmates including 17 women were allowed to vote for the candidates of their choice, an official informed.


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