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په ګرمسېر کې د دولتي ځمکو غصب امنيتي ستوتزې پيدا کړې

LASHKARGAH (Pajhwok): The governor of southern Helmand province on Saturday claimed some people in the Garamser district had grabbed government land due to which the security situation and other related problems were on the rise.
 “Let’s find legitimate solution for the problem of land grabbing, because it has become a sources of several other issues in the district,” Governor Mirza Khan Rahimi said while addressing a gathering.
“If the local people stopped seizing lands, government would give these lands on lease to the people; otherwise individuals involved in land mafia would be punished as the government launched the reassessment process of lands,” he said.
If the district people don’t grow poppy in their fields, the government would implement many development projects in the town and would find market for the agriculture produce of the district people, he promised.
District Chief Ayub Omar Omari praised the Garamser people for cooperating the government for the security of the district, saying they would not let anybody to capture government land or grow poppy, but the government should find working opportunities for the residents of the district.
Although the district has border with Pakistan, the security of the district is comparatively better due to the cooperation of the locals with the government for maintaining security, a member of provincial council, Baryalai Nazari, said.
“We don’t want small projects to be executed, but the government should construct roads, irrigation systems and marketing facilities for our products,” a tribal elder from the district, Bakht Meer, said.

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