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Logar officials accused of massive corruption

PUL-I-ALM (Pajhwok): A number of provincial council members of central Logar province on Wednesday threatened to boycott until some senior officials were removed from their positions.

Hasibullah Stanikzai, the provincial council head, flanked by four members, alleged Governor Niaz Muhammad Amiri, Brig. Gen. Abdul Hakim Ishaqzai, the police chief, and Mayor Ahmad Khan Ulfat of involvement in corruption.

“They (the high officials) are inciting insecurity and they did not control or take notice of the killings,” he told a press conference. He said the senior officials had sold a green belt having timber and a land piece for $20,000.

“We, the provincial council members, have decided to boycott our offices unless the governor, police chief and mayor are removed from their posts,” he demanded.


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