1-      Kapisa Youth Social Society:
The Kapisa Youth Social Society is founded by the young generation of the province in 2003. The society has its wings in districts.  It strives to serve the youth in areas such as education, culture, sports and other field of life. Alhaj Hashmatullah is the head the society.
Contact No: 0700330606   
2-      Koh Band Writers and Poets Society:     
The Koh Band Writers and Poets Society serves the community to preerve its culture and art through its magazine known as  Kohsar. It was founded in 2013 and is being headed by Ustad Noor Rahman.
Contact No: 0776896654   
3-      Kapisa Youth Education and Cultural Society:
Founded in 2006, the Kapisa Youth Education and Cultural Society works to promote education and cultural activities through Hamdard magazine, which is being published in Pashto language. Headed by Fahim Baheer, most of its members are students and writers.
Contact No: 0775129735   
4-      Youth National Organ:
The Youth National Organ is founded in 2011 with its main focus to reform the society and implementation of welfare projects with the help of regional councils.
QaziAmanullah heads the organization.
Contact No: 0773911513     
5-      Youth Provincial Council:
Founded in 2010, the Youth Provincial Council is striving to encourage sports and enhacen cultural and social field. Shakirullah Muhammadi is the head of the council.
Contact No: 0799182815